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The “Coalition" strives to protect and preserve the rural quality and cohesiveness of Lutz from inappropriate and unplanned growth by empowering YOU, our Lutz neighbor, to be informed, involved and engaged. We are a not-for-profit 501(C)(4) organization formed by a group of dedicated Lutz residents who forged their individual voices together in a unified and coherent cacophony of opposition to a proposed project which would bring with it many significantly negative impacts to our local community. Early in our endeavor, we learned just how perplexing and biased (read this “pro-development") the quasi-judicial environment of our Hillsborough County Zoning and Land Use process can be.

We joined … together in a common cause.

We discovered … strength in our unified voice.

We learned … that developers of inappropriate projects win by quietly “dividing and conquering".

We stood … as one.

We defended … our chosen rural lifestyle from urban chaos and suburban sprawl.

And together … WE WON!

We also vowed that never again would we be placed in the position of having others speak “for" us on issues in which we were not even informed of, much less granted a voice in.

Knowing that there will always be the need to address those projects which are inappropriate either by their nature, their location, or their significantly negative impacts to our community, the Lutz Citizens Coalition was born. Our goal is to keep the true “stakeholders" of our community, our Lutz residents, informed, involved, and engaged by keeping them abreast of newly proposed projects, as well as the ever changing status of ongoing projects. And, to provide the residents of Lutz with a platform upon which to have THEIR voices heard for THEIR community.

Please consider joining the LCC, we would love to have your voice join ours! “Giving our Lutz neighbors a voice!" Let YOUR voice be heard for YOUR community!



The Lutz Legal Defense Fund is a GREAT way for you to help us in defraying the expenses necessary, such as legal fees, engineering fees, filing fees, and other expenses, incurred in fighting to protect Lutz from inappropriate growth and development. All donations are greatly appreciated, and every dollar goes to the operation of the Coalition and to the projects/issues that we are involved in.



Note: For those wishing for their donations to go toward a specific project or issue (i.e., Sunlake, Van Dyke Road, Hwy. 41 trees, No School on Sunset Lane, etc.), please indicate it in the “Special instructions to seller" section of the donation process. This option appears prior to confirming and submitting your donation.

Stay updated 

You can mail your donations to:

Lutz Legal Defense Fund
C/O Lutz Citizens Coalition
P.O. Box 592
Lutz, FL. 33548